Friday, January 30, 2009


I know it's been a while but HELLO everybody! I know you were probably wondering today where was my Thursday blog or the one today. I'm reunited with you today. I apologize for being MIA ( MISSING IN ACTION)..I was exhausted and I had to take a day break..but I'm back now. I noticed that I have some newcomers to my page. I'm thankful that you have taken the time to stop by continuously and follow my blog. I welcome all your comments at this point. Speak your mind at any subject that interests you. My mind has been full lately having to learn a lot of new things with my job and constantly coming up with creative ideas on my writing.

This Friday has been a GOOD Friday overall, I got to spend time with loved ones, and visit the mall even though I was just paying a bill ( VS GOTTA LOVE HER :) ) and I managed to squeeze in my mocha latte while I browsed around. Well I know there's a lot of things going on right about now with it being Super Bowl weekend..SO LET'S GET IT GOING...


WOW! I ran across this story on CNN saying that this woman had 8 babies..THAT'S HARD TO BELIEVE..I just can't imagine pushing out 8 babies back to back..She is a strong woman. Word was she had the embryos implanted a year ago. I wonder if she is happy with that decision right about now b/c her husband is set to take off to IRAQ. I'm curious to know what women think about this..would you be open to 8 babies if you were able to support them or more less under what circumstances would you be willing to have 8 babies?


OKAY SO BY now I'm sure you heard that Danity Kane went their seperate ways.See Dawn's perspective here. I heard that Shannon left the group since the whole group wasn't together. Recall, Aubrey and D Woods were kicked out of the group. Lately, I have noticed Aubrey trying to be on the scene as party girl hanging with Paris Hilton and she's planning to pose for Playboy (like we never saw that surprise.) I hate to hear the group is splitting up b/c I actually liked them together. I really wish them all the best. I hope Dawn's solo career goes well, but time will tell... What do you think about the way this group turned out? Did you see them being together for a while...

Coke minus "Classic"

For all you Coke lovers out there I read in there AJC today that Classic will be dropped from the Coke name sometime in the beginning of this year. This is interesting I wonder what made them decide to change their name. I hear it has something to do with a global campaign and the whole idea of upgrading ( out with the old in with the new). I just hope they don't try to change the ingredients since their changing the name.


I'm a fan of Jessica Simpson..she has a nice voice and one of the flyest shoe lines out today..I have heard recently about the media putting her on blast for gaining a few pounds..what's up with that.SO WHAT SHE IS JUST A LIL THICKER..I don't feel like they should blast her on that..but then I guess it's like a given when your in the industry and constantly under the radar that you have to stay a certain weight to be looked upon as a POSITIVE ICON. What do you think about this? I mean there's so much more going in this world then to worry about her weight.. What's your take?


There will even be some 3D commericals in the mix for the Super Bowl...

Well that's my time for tonight..I hope everyone has had or is having a wonderful Friday. Be safe and LIVE IT UP! Peace!

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