Monday, January 19, 2009


HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.!!! It's hard to believe Dr. King if alive today he would have been 80 years old. We HONOR him today and I personally want to say THANK GOD FOR PRODUCING SUCH AN ACCOMPLISHMENT AND delivering him to us. Can you imagine what the world would be like if we never had Dr. King? There would be no intergrated school systems, eating with whites, or even using the same restroom. When I think back to all the sacrifices, challenges, and pain he may have faced... it's hard to believe he remained so positive. ( I mean think about all the times he may have been called out of his name, hit, or taken away from his family when he was locked up for voicing his opinons.)

He truly made a difference back then and still is impacting our lives today. Presently, I feel as though he lives in each African American today.. WE ALL HAVE DREAMS AND IT IS UP TO EACH OF US TO WORK EARNESTLY AND WHOLE HEARTEDLY AT OBTAINING THEM BY HOLDING OURSELVES ACCOUNTABLE. Think about it, OBAMA is our present day testimony that "We Shall Overcome" all the negativity is this cold crazy world and RISE TO THE OCCASSION to continue to make moves in America. We all HAVE A DREAM..NOW LET'S GET IT AND TACKLE THAT DREAM HEAD ON! YES WE CAN AND WE WILL!

"Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against
love"- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

HERE IS THE SCHEDULE FOR OBAMA'S INAUGURATION so you can catch the history in the here.

OBAMA PROMISES HOPE.. Take a look at this speech delivered by our 44th President elect over the weekend. Only one day and counting..I'M READY ARE YOU?!




Reina Hardesty a 13 year old Southern California teen LOVES TO TEXT MSG. Recently, on Inside Edition it was reported she set a record for text messaging in a month with a total 14,528 text messages and 440 pages for the bill. (Wow! This is crazy to think a 13 year old texts this much..I mean why isn't she devoting this time to school or extra-curricular activities) My first question here is WHY DOES A 13 YEAR OLD NEED A CELL PHONE? My how the tables have turned, I was not thinking about a phone when I was 13. I didn't get my first cell phone until I was heading to college and I was 18. That makes me fear when I have children.

HERE IS A VIDEO PREMIERE EXCLUSIVE FOR YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE..I brought you the making of the video and today I have the actual video.


Hope everyone has made the best of MLK DAY and Remember to keep your Dreams alive, and go after them no matter what! Peace and Blessings!

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