Friday, February 13, 2009


It's Friday the 13th...Yes, it's everyones craziest Fridays of the year typically. I can say that something bizarre ALWAYS seems to pop off on this day. How ironic is that Valentine's Day is following a day like this? My day thus far was regular up until around 5ish and now ever since then my mind is in deep thought. I have all this things I want to happen in my life just a matter of getting them to fall into place and order. I really don't feel like myself right now, but thats okay because in the end I know GOD got my back. Ne how here's my blog today.

Since Valentine's day is tomorrow and I know many of you will be booed up I wanted to do something a lil different to my blog.

Music always makes me feel good thru the good, bad and sometimes ugly times I face. So I wanted to take you back to one of my old favorite songs by Faith Evans..check it out you remember this?


THIS is to help you get your V-day right..

New song from Chris Brown guess he dedicated this one to Rihanna...


I KNOW most of you guys are watching BASKETBALL all weekend since it's All Star weekend in Phoenix. I for one wish I could be there live to take in all the great entertainment. To help you out I think you will want to follow this link ALL STAR WEEKEND to get all the 411 on the scheduling and who you can expect to see on the line-up.

I know you all heard about the crash that happened thursday sad :( 50 people were killed. My prayers are with these families. I can't even imagine the pain they must be going thru... If you read up on this it was amazing how all the different passengers had made progression and differences in the lives of others. This is so sad . How do you feel about all the plane crashes lately..does it scare you away from flying or do you feel safe and secure when flying?

Well that's my time for tonight..Have a good Friday night everybody...

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